For this activity we had to pick a painting and try and observe as much possible as we could. I chose to do the Day and Night art by M.C Escher. Day 2 is all about 'Cracking the Code'. This activity was inspired by scientists and theorists coming up with new theories (ideas) about how thing would work. They come up with theories through careful observation (hence why the activity is called: through careful observation). I enjoyed this activity.
I am a Year 7 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
Monday, 30 December 2019
Week 3 | Day 1 | Activity 3: Apple VS Microsoft (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
For this activity we had to think about three rivalries. We could do the sports industry, technology industry and many more. I chose to do: Burger King VS McDonalds, Apple VS Samsung and Pepsi VS Coca Cola. I think many people know about these rivalries. I chose it so that people could be familiar with it. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 3 | Day 1 | Activity 2: Influencers (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
For this activity we imagined that we had the chance to make our own youtube channel. We had to answer what our channel would be about and what we would create and post. We also had to write a description of the youtube channel we would like to create. I would like to base my channel on life hacks and DIY's. I enjoy DIY's and life hacks because they both interest me in various ways yet they seem so similar. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 3 | Day 1 | Activity 1: The World Wide Web (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list your four favourite helpful sites.
For this activity we had to make a poster or presentation of the four helpful sites to you. I did: Kiddle, Maori Dictionary, Class Site & Must Do Task List. I explained what the site is for and why it is helpful for me. I also added three photos showing the site and examples. I enjoyed this activity.
Friday, 27 December 2019
Week 2 | Day 5 | Activity 3: Choose your Own | Summer Learning Journey
Pania Newton: Pania Newton is the leader of the S.O.U.L (Save, Our, Unique, Landscape) group. Pania had only just completed her degree in Law at Auckland University. Pania and her cousins created the S.O.U.L group to protest against a building company. Pania wanted no construction or structures built on the land, so she protest against it. The land was sacret. Pania wants the government to buy the land back trusting that the land could be preserved for all New Zealanders to maintain its hystorical events. I think that this impacts people in a positive way, incouraging them to always make sure to fight for what you believe.
LI: To chose a person that has a positive impact on others and talk about them.
For this activity we had to chose a politician or activist and write about them. We had to provide their name, a discription of their work they do/have done and an explanation of how their work has had an impact on others. I picked Pania Newton who is the leader of the S.O.U.L group. She protests to not let any building companies create structures on the untouched land. I enjoyed this activity.
LI: To chose a person that has a positive impact on others and talk about them.
For this activity we had to chose a politician or activist and write about them. We had to provide their name, a discription of their work they do/have done and an explanation of how their work has had an impact on others. I picked Pania Newton who is the leader of the S.O.U.L group. She protests to not let any building companies create structures on the untouched land. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 2 | Day 5 | Activity 2: Leading by Example (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
Random Act Of Kindness: Once I was in a shop and a person dropped their shopping bag by accident. They had many things in the bag and I thought to myself: They need help! I ran up to the person, started gathering the items for them and placing them inside the bag. After all the things were cleaned they looked up to me and said: 'Thank you very much!' with a very big smile on their face. I replied with a 'You're Welcome' and went back. After that I felt really good.
LI: To describe a random act of kindness that you have done.
For this activity we had to write a story of a random act of kindness that we have done and descibe it. We first read about Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. I told a story about how I helped a person out when they had dropped a shopping bag. I enjoyed this activity and it just proves that performing a small act of kindness can change their actions.
LI: To describe a random act of kindness that you have done.
For this activity we had to write a story of a random act of kindness that we have done and descibe it. We first read about Mother Teresa and Princess Diana. I told a story about how I helped a person out when they had dropped a shopping bag. I enjoyed this activity and it just proves that performing a small act of kindness can change their actions.
Week 2 | Day 5 | Activity 1: Everyday Heroes (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To brainstorm five ways you could support the affected people in New South Wales, Australia.
For this activity we had to brainstorm five ways we could support the affected people in New South Wales, Australia. We could think of ways we could gather money, making them feel positive or things to send these affected people. We also had to make a video or audio recording of ourselves explaining the brainstorms. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 2 | Day 4 | Activity 3: Wise Words (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
For this activity we had to ask someone about a piece of wisdom (advice) they can give you. I chose my brother. My brother said: "Never listen to the people who don't believe in you, beceause those people are just jealous of you,". I think that what my brother said was very nice and good because it really is inspirational. I will try and take this piece of advice. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 2 | Day 4 | Activity 2: Celebrating Diversity (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
This week for the SLJ I finished the second activity for day four week two. The activity was to read about these groups: Ainu People, Australian Aboriginal People, The Inuit People, Papuan People and The Maya People. After we read through those groups we had to pick the two groups we found most interesting in our opinion. I picked the Inuit People, and the Australian Aboriginal People. When we did that we had to list two different facts about the two groups.
Inuit People:
Fact 1: Today Inuit occupy many professions in arts, medical field, government and academia.
Fact 2: More than 3,000 Inuit live in Ottawa alone.
Aboriginal Australians:
Fact 1: Stan Grant is a Wiradjuri elder of Australia's second-largest Aboriginal community. He still speaks the tribal language that nearly died in the 20th century when you could be arrested for it.
Fact 2: Barkindiji kids jump on a trampoline when storm clouds appear over them.
Inuit People:
Fact 1: Today Inuit occupy many professions in arts, medical field, government and academia.
Fact 2: More than 3,000 Inuit live in Ottawa alone.
Aboriginal Australians:
Fact 1: Stan Grant is a Wiradjuri elder of Australia's second-largest Aboriginal community. He still speaks the tribal language that nearly died in the 20th century when you could be arrested for it.
Fact 2: Barkindiji kids jump on a trampoline when storm clouds appear over them.
Week 2 | Day 4 | Activity 1: Guiding Principles (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
This week for the Summer Learning Journey I completed the first task for week 2 day 4. The activity was to pick a whakatauki out of the seven whakatauki's that has a meaning for you and create a poster for the whakatauki. I picked the whakatauki that says: A tree comes fom one seed but bears many fruit. I picked this whakatauki because I have a lot of family members. The whakatauki means: one person starts a family and it goes down to generations and generations. I enjoyed this activity.
Thursday, 26 December 2019
Week 2 | Day 3 | Activity 3: Belle of the Ball (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write a book review.
For this activity we had to write a book review. I chose to write the review on 'The Twits' by Roald Dahl. I really like this book because it is very interesting. The book is about two twits who play horrible pranks on each other. They are named: Mrs. Twit and Mr. Twit. Mrs. Twit hates kids and Mr. Twit kills birds to get Bird Pie. They have a house that is very tall and worst of all, they don't even have windows! You can read the book if you are interested in it here. I enjoyed this activity.
Wednesday, 25 December 2019
Week 2 | Day 3 | Activity 2: The Right to Education (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write a story about anything we would like to talk about.
For this activity we had the chance to write a story about anything we have encountered. I chose to write a story of the years 5-6 netball team. I was in the netball team. We went undefeated for the whole season but we drawed with a team getting 10 points each. We had to have the story at least 10 sentences. I enjoyed this activity.
For this activity we had the chance to write a story about anything we have encountered. I chose to write a story of the years 5-6 netball team. I was in the netball team. We went undefeated for the whole season but we drawed with a team getting 10 points each. We had to have the story at least 10 sentences. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 2 | Day 3 | Activity 1: The Right to Vote (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about your opinion of who should be on the 10 dollar note for NZ.
For this activity we had to write about who we think should be on the 10 dollar note for New Zealand if the goverment would change it and we could vote. We also was instructed to write about why they should be on the note. I chose Jacinda Ardern, because she has sacrificed many things for the country. I enjoyed this activity.
For this activity we had to write about who we think should be on the 10 dollar note for New Zealand if the goverment would change it and we could vote. We also was instructed to write about why they should be on the note. I chose Jacinda Ardern, because she has sacrificed many things for the country. I enjoyed this activity.
Tuesday, 24 December 2019
Week 2 | Day 2 | Activity 3: "I Have a Dream" (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To describe Rosa Parks story.
For this activity we started off by reading an article or watching a video about Rosa Parks story. After that we had to describe Rosa Parks story in our own words. There were guiding questions to help us and they were: What did Rosa Parks do about the problem? How did other people react? I enjoyed this activity and I am glad that those laws don't exist in the present.
For this activity we started off by reading an article or watching a video about Rosa Parks story. After that we had to describe Rosa Parks story in our own words. There were guiding questions to help us and they were: What did Rosa Parks do about the problem? How did other people react? I enjoyed this activity and I am glad that those laws don't exist in the present.
Week 2 | Day 2 | Activity 2: School Strike for Climate (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list three facts we learned about climate change.
For this activity we started off with reading articles about how the Australian schools are sacrificing their education in order to save the future from climate wrecking projects. I didn't know about this until today. We also had to put a picture and short discription for what we would do to help climate change stop. I would pick up any piece of rubbish that I could find even if it wasn't mine. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 2 | Day 2 | Activity 1: A Long Walk to Freedom (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about how Nelson Mandela's prison life was like.
For this activity we had to imagine that we were Nelson Mandela and that we were living in Robben Island Prison. We first read articles and watched videos to look at the background o Nelson Mandela. I did the first day, the second day, the third day and three months in. I enjoyed this activity.
Monday, 23 December 2019
Week 2 | Day 1 | Activity 3: Dear Jacinda (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write a letter to the Prime Minister of NZ about an issue.
For this activity we had to write a letter to Jacinda Ardern about an issue and how we can help that issue. I chose the issue about landfills. Landfills are a very bad and dangerous thing that we should get rid of. By getting rid of landfills we could make the packaging for not only products but more things reusable or recyclable. Landfills only polute the air that we breathe.
For this activity we had to write a letter to Jacinda Ardern about an issue and how we can help that issue. I chose the issue about landfills. Landfills are a very bad and dangerous thing that we should get rid of. By getting rid of landfills we could make the packaging for not only products but more things reusable or recyclable. Landfills only polute the air that we breathe.
Week 2 | Day 1 | Activity 2 (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To add up how old Dr. Jessa Rogers was when she got her award.
For this activity we had to add up how old Dr. Jessa Rogers was when she got the NAIDOC Youth of the Year award. We had to calculate the years, months and days she was living when she got the award. At the end I got the answer: 25 years, 3 months and 3 days old. I got this by subtracting 1985 from 2010 which is 25. For the months I just added up from April until I got to July which is 3. For the days I counted up to 9 starting from 7 which is also 3 and that is how I got my answer.
Week 2 | Day 1 | Activity 1: Playing Favourites (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list the top five things you like to do.
For this activity we had to pick out the top five things we like to do and take pictures showing you do the activity. I like to do many things but the top five things I like to do are: practise catching a ball with my brother, play online games, watch youtube videos, practise netball and also practise volleyball with my brother aswell. I enjoyed this activity.
Sunday, 22 December 2019
Week 1 | Day 5: Against the Odds | Activity 3: Choose your Own (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about a sportsperson.
For this activity we had to write about a sportsperson that has an impact on people. For this activity I chose Maria Folau (nee Tutaia). Maria is a silver fern player representing New Zealand. Many people worldwide fear Maria as she can get the ball in the hoop from all points of the semi circle. Maria was the fourth Silver Fern to get 100 test caps at the Netball World Cup in Sydney, 2015. Maria has an impact on other people because she has represented New Zealanders and New Zealand on its own.
Week 1 | Day 5: Against the Odds | Activity 2: Swimming to Safety (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
Yusra and her elder sister ran off from the Syrian war and was looking to find a safe place in Europe. In the summer of 2015 they had traveled across Lebanon to Turkey. They got in a boat with two other people. After 15 minutes of crossing the sea, the boats engine stopped. Yusra desided she wasn't going to let anyone on the boat drown. Everyone on board jumped out of the boat into the waves and swam for three and a half hours in the open water. Doing this they had saved the lives of 20 people.
LI: To retell the story of Yusra Mardini.
The next year, Yusra's bravery and stong swimming skils was noticed by the Intenational Olympics Committee and became a member of the Refugee Olympics team. Yusra competed at the olympics games in Rio, 2016 helping to represent 65 million replaced people around the globe. Some time after that, Yusra has adressed the United Nations General Assembly and met world leaders like Barack Obama and Pope Francis. She has received many awards.
Yusra currently lives in Berlin, Germany and is concentrating on her professional swimming career and is determined to compete at the Olympics in Tokyo, Japan 2020.
For this activity we had to retell the story of Yusra Mardini who was a refugee. We could either listen to Yusra's podcast or read her story. Yusra is training to compete in the olymics in Tokyo, Japan 2020. Yusra is a great role model for other refugees her age. I enjoyed this activity.
Friday, 20 December 2019
Week 1 | Day 5: Against the Odds | Activity 1: National Treasure (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list three things that are important to us.
For this activity we had to list three things that are important to us. One thing that is important to me is: My family because they take care of me, they do many favours for me and they treasure me. Another thing is: My friends because they always include me, they are very polite to me and whenever someone is mean to me they protect me. The last thing is: School because school is were we get educated and if you do get educated, chances are you can have a bright future with a well payed job. I enjoyed this activity.
Thursday, 19 December 2019
Week 1 | Day 4 | Activity 3: Worth her Weight in Gold (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To make a travel brochure.
Today I completed the last activity for day 4. For this activity we had to make a travel brochure. Our task was to create a travel brochure for Tonga or a place that is important to ourselves. I made a travel brochure for Tonga. A brochure is a type of DLO that you use to write a lot of information. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 1 | Day 4 | Activity 2: What's in a Name? (Four points) | Summer Learning Journey
If I could change my name I would change it to Aiza. I would change my name to Aiza because Aiza is an original name, not many people use it and I also think that this name suits my personality.
LI: To imagine that you've changed your name and write why you would change it to that name.
For this activity we had to imagine that we had the chance to change our name. We had to think about why and what we would change it to. I would change my name to Aiza. The reason why I would change my name to this name is because I think that Aiza is an original name which makes it unique. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 1 | Day 4 | Activity 1: Making a Racket (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list three things that you learnt about the William sisters.
For this activity we had to list three things that we learnt about Serena and Venus Williams and also what we still want to know. I want to know how long they have played tennis for. I learnt that Venus won the Wimbledon in 2005, I also learnt that Serena earns more than $88 million dollars for her career alone. I also learnt that Serena and Venus don't do their own negotiations (talks/agreements). I enjoyed this activity.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
Week 1 | Day 3 | Activity 3: Achieving our Dreams | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list six ways you could help your friend/family member to help them achieve their goals.
For this activity we had to ask one of our friends or family member what their dream job is. After we do that we had to list six ways we could help our friends or family member to achieve their dream job. I picked to help Sulia. Her dream job is to become a famous clothing designer and I do think she will achieve it. One way I could support Sulia is by always trying to refresh her ideas for her designs. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 1 | Day 3 | Activity 2: Defying the Odds | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To ask a basketball player five questions.
For this activity we had to ask a basketball player of our choice five questions that aren't answered in an article. I also made a video interview at the end of the presentation. I asked LeBron James these questions: Are you passionate about anything else other than basketball? Do you want your kids to get good at any sports? Would you like to play for any other teams other than your current team? If you lost your job what would you do? How long do you train for your international games? I enjoyed this activity.
Week 1 | Day 3 | Activity 1: Rugby Superstars (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list powers that you want and why you want them.
For this activity we had to list three powers that we want. After that we had to list why we want these powers. I chose invisibility, super strength and immortality. I want to possess invisibility because I if someone when someone has a weapon I could take the person down with my superpower and save other people. I would like to have super strength so that I could carry heavy objects. I would also like to have immortality because I won't die if I was in a bad situation. I could also use my body as a shield to the other people that aren't immortal. I really enjoyed this activity.
For this activity we had to list three powers that we want. After that we had to list why we want these powers. I chose invisibility, super strength and immortality. I want to possess invisibility because I if someone when someone has a weapon I could take the person down with my superpower and save other people. I would like to have super strength so that I could carry heavy objects. I would also like to have immortality because I won't die if I was in a bad situation. I could also use my body as a shield to the other people that aren't immortal. I really enjoyed this activity.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
Week 1 | Day 2 | Activity 3: Miracle on the Hudson (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about someone who we think is brave.
Today I have finished the last activity for day two of the summer learning journey programme. I think that I was brave when I was playing the duffy role for the first time. We had to write a discription. I also added the preparation of overcoming my shyness. I enjoyed this activity.
Week 1 | Day 2 | Activity 2: One Small Step for Man (Four points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write a poem about landing on the moon.
For this activity we had to write a poem about how we would feel if we were the first person to step foot on the moon. I chose to do a Haiku poem. A haiku poem must have five syllables in the first line then seven syllables and back to five syllables. I used a site to help make the layout of the haiku. I enjoyed making a poem.
Week 1 | Day 2 | Activity 1: Flying Solo (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To compare and contrast Jean Baten and Amelia Earhart.
Today it is the second day for the Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we had to compare and contrast two female pilots who are Jean Batten and Amelia Earhart. We had to find three differences and similarities between the two girls. My similarities are: They were both brave, They were both confident women and they both were pilots. Amelia and Jean were brave women because they had the courage to fly far distances. Amelia and Jane were also confident because despite the risks they still did it. I enjoyed this activity.
Monday, 16 December 2019
Day 1 | Activity 3: Scalling New Heights (Six Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about a charity.
Today I completed the last activtiy for day 1 of the summer learning journey. For this activity we had to chose a charity and write a short description of what they do. I chose OXFAM. OXFAM is a charity that helps countries that suffer from poverty get fresh water and other supplies. I enjoyed this activity.
Day 1 | Activity 2: Discovering Aotearoa (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To explain our cultural and family backgrounds.
Today I have completed the second activity for the summer learning journey of day one. For this activtiy we had to explain our cultural and family backgrounds. We created a google map to show where we come from, where we have traveled and where some of our family members live. Using the google maps app we have pinned down the places. My family comes from Afghanistan and now most of my family live in New Zealand. There are still some of my family members living outside of NZ.
Day 1 | Activity 1: Setting Sail (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list 10 foods you would take to the sea for three weeks and explain why.
Today was the first day of the real Summer Learning Journey. For this activity we had to list ten foods that we would take to the sea. These foods have to be non perishable which means they wont go bad or decay quickly. We also had to explain why we would take these foods to the sea. I chose: Rice cakes, Fruit cups, Granola bars, Tea bags, Nuts & Dried fruits, Canned baked beans, Canned spaghetti, Dried Wakame seaweed, Canned tuna & water. I enjoyed this activity.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Day 5 | Activity 3: Choose Your Own | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about a changemaker.
This activity was to chose a scientist, technologist or an inventor to write about how they changed the world and also a short biography of the person you chose. I chose Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a business owner, investor and inventor. He was born in South Africa but transferred to an American. He currently is the CEO & Chief of Product Architect of Tesla Motors. Elon Musk was worth over $10 Million making him the 37th richest American. He was born on the 28th of June 1971. Later on he became the CEO of Tesla. I think that Elon Musk is a change maker because he created the ‘Musk Electric Jet’. He was also a very successful man that helped everyone.
This activity was to chose a scientist, technologist or an inventor to write about how they changed the world and also a short biography of the person you chose. I chose Elon Musk. Elon Musk is a business owner, investor and inventor. He was born in South Africa but transferred to an American. He currently is the CEO & Chief of Product Architect of Tesla Motors. Elon Musk was worth over $10 Million making him the 37th richest American. He was born on the 28th of June 1971. Later on he became the CEO of Tesla. I think that Elon Musk is a change maker because he created the ‘Musk Electric Jet’. He was also a very successful man that helped everyone.
Day 5 | Activity 2: Impossible Burgers | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To see the difference between the new and original impossible burger.
This activity was to write about the difference in calories that the new and original impossible burger has. The original impossible burger had 50 more calories than the new impossible burger with the new impossible burger has 240 calories and the original impossible burger has 290 calories. I think this is good because it has less calories. I enjoyed this activity.
This activity was to write about the difference in calories that the new and original impossible burger has. The original impossible burger had 50 more calories than the new impossible burger with the new impossible burger has 240 calories and the original impossible burger has 290 calories. I think this is good because it has less calories. I enjoyed this activity.
Day 5 | Activity 1: The Social Network | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about what we should think about before sharing a photo.
This activity is to share what we think we should do before sharing a photo. I think before sharing a photo we have to think about if the image is appropriate or not and also if you trust the person you are sharing the photo with. I enjoyed completing the activity.
Think about:
This activity is to share what we think we should do before sharing a photo. I think before sharing a photo we have to think about if the image is appropriate or not and also if you trust the person you are sharing the photo with. I enjoyed completing the activity.
Think about:
Before sharing a picture we have to think if the picture is appropriate for the viewer, and also if you trust the person you are sharing the image to.
Day 4 | Activity 3: Mass Migration | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about our thoughts on Donald Trump's idea of building a wall to seperate Mexico and USA.
This activity was to give our thoughts of Donald Trump's idea building a wall to seperate Mexico and USA. I don't think Donald Trump should continue his idea because as mankind we should come together.
This activity was to give our thoughts of Donald Trump's idea building a wall to seperate Mexico and USA. I don't think Donald Trump should continue his idea because as mankind we should come together.
I think that Donald Trump building the wall separating America and Mexico is a bad idea because as humans we need to come together and fight against evil however, if we separate lands and countries there will be wars and conflict.
Day 4 | Activity 2: Fighting for Freedom | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about what we would protest on.
This activity was to write about what we would protest against. I would protest against racism and hopefully change their minds about what and how they think about of other races. I enjoyed this activity.
This activity was to write about what we would protest against. I would protest against racism and hopefully change their minds about what and how they think about of other races. I enjoyed this activity.
If it was me, I would protest over how many people are racist and hopefully change their minds about how they think of other people with different races.
Day 4 | Activity 1: Leading the Charge | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To write about what you would change in your school if you were principle.
This activtiy was to write about what you would change in your school if we were principle. I chose to change the junior playground because it is boring and it doesn't have a lot of equipment. I enjoyed this activity because I like sharing my ideas.
I would change junior playground because it looks boring and it doesn’t have much equipment in it.
Day 3 | Activity 3: The Columbian Change | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To tell people about the person that has a positive impact on our lives.
This activity was to write a short text about someone who has a positive impact to our lives. I chose my dad because he has done very good things for me and I appreciate it. He has a positive impact on my life because he has always protected us.
This activity was to write a short text about someone who has a positive impact to our lives. I chose my dad because he has done very good things for me and I appreciate it. He has a positive impact on my life because he has always protected us.
Positive Impact:
My dad has a positive impact on my life because he has always cared for my siblings and I. He always put us first and protected us.
Day 3 | Activity 2: When the Rubber Hits the Road | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To interview a friend about what they are proud of.
This activity was to interview a friend and ask them what they are proud of one of their family members achievments. I interviewed Fau. She was proud of her older sister of getting into Auckland Girls Grammar and that she is the sports leader of her school. I enjoyed this activity.
This activity was to interview a friend and ask them what they are proud of one of their family members achievments. I interviewed Fau. She was proud of her older sister of getting into Auckland Girls Grammar and that she is the sports leader of her school. I enjoyed this activity.
My friend is proud of her learning achievements. She is proud of her older sister because she got into Auckland Girls Grammar and she is the sports leader of her school.
Day 3 | Activity 1: The Rainman Of Rajasthan | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To explain what the Water Project is doing to help the clean water issue.
This activity was to explain what the Water Project is doing to help the communities that don't have safe and clean water. We watched a video that explains what they do and then we had to explain it in our own words. I enjoyed doing this activity.
This activity was to explain what the Water Project is doing to help the communities that don't have safe and clean water. We watched a video that explains what they do and then we had to explain it in our own words. I enjoyed doing this activity.
The water project is trying to help communities get access to safe and clean water.
Day 2 | Activity 3: The Greatest of All Time | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To list two bad things and two good things about being the best chess player in the world.
This activity was to list two bad things and two good things about being the best chess player. The bad things are: You don't get recognised as a famous person & People don't know much about your career. The good things are: You can prove to everyone that you are good at chess & You could be undefeated. I enjoyed doing this activity.
Day 2 | Activity 2: Equal Pay for Equal Work? | Summer Learning Journey
I think that women in the sports industry should be paid the same amount as men do because women do more work and have more responsibility.
LI: To write about your opinion of womens equal pay.
This activity was to write about if you think women should get payed equally as men do in the sports industry. I do think that women in the sports insdustry should be paid the same amount as men get paid. I enjoyed this activity and writing about my opinion.
Day 2 | Activity 1: Faster Than a Speeding Bullet | Summer Learning
LI: To create three similies.
This activity was to make three similies that describe speed, height and size. I did Shelly-Ann is as fast as a racecar, Shelly-Ann is as tall as the sky tower and an ant is as small as bacteria. I enjoyed this activity.
Day 1 | Activity 3: Big Friendly Giants | Summer Learning Journey
LI: To make up words.
This activity was to make five made up words and define them. I chose: Telatrout, Lajeal, Spackerle, Gruzmy & Riavalica. Telatrout means to change your tone while you are speaking, Lejeal means to be extremly nice, Spackerle means to take over someone's personal space, Gruzmy means to take something to seriously & Riavalica means to have an extremely big mouth. I enjoyed making these words.
LI: To make a smart comment.
Today I decided to give feedback on Liletina's blogpost about kiwi can. Liletina talked about what the activities she played were. I think that Liletina should write more about what she did. I asked her if she enjoyed the activities because she never stated it. I liked giving Liletina feedback because it could make her think about what she should add next time.
Liletina's Blogpost:
SSR Selfie
LI: To summarise and retell a text.
Today I decided to read a book called 'Robots' by Chris Oxlade. It was about the different types of robots created. The most interesting fact I learnt was that the ultimate medical robots operate on human robots.
Basic Facts Boxes
LI: To remember basic maths facts.
This week for basic facts boxes I chose to do it up to 10. The time I got was three minutes and twenty one seconds. Basic facts boxes is when you time yourself and answer one hundred basic facts questions on addition or subtraction. When you are done with the basic facts questions you stop the stopwatch and that is your time. I am certain that I could beat the time I got today next week.
Narrative | The Cure
LI: To finish our narratives.
This week for writing we were finishing our narratives. My narrative is about a man named Jearell that is in reverse because he was clumsy and got an injection in him that made him live in reverse. Jearell is on a journey to find a cure to make him live normally. Patricia is his partner that is helping Jearell to find a cure. It got to a point were they break into Area 51. What do you think will happen next?
This week for writing we were finishing our narratives. My narrative is about a man named Jearell that is in reverse because he was clumsy and got an injection in him that made him live in reverse. Jearell is on a journey to find a cure to make him live normally. Patricia is his partner that is helping Jearell to find a cure. It got to a point were they break into Area 51. What do you think will happen next?
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Activity 2: Exploring Our Roots | Summer Learning Journey | Teaser Week
LI: To make a pepeha.
This week for the second teaser activity we had to create a pepeha. We could use a template or use a site to help us with the pepeha. A pepeha is a short description of where you live, and about you that you can share to other people. I enjoyed finishing this activity.
Reading | Roald Dahl
LI: To novel study and complete comprehension tasks.
This week for reading we had to finish our books and complete all of the comprehension tasks. This comprehension task is to ask five questions to characters in the book that haven't been answered. I asked Mr. Twit five questions, Mrs. Twit five questions and Muggle Wump. I enjoyed finishing these activities.
This week for reading we had to finish our books and complete all of the comprehension tasks. This comprehension task is to ask five questions to characters in the book that haven't been answered. I asked Mr. Twit five questions, Mrs. Twit five questions and Muggle Wump. I enjoyed finishing these activities.
LI: To understand a rane of numbers in Maori.
This week for Maori we were learning about the Maori numbers. We learnt that kore means zero, mano means thousands, rau means hundreds, te kau means tens and ma means ones. We had turns of asking our partners in maori what a number is and they had to write the numbers on a table in English.
This week for Maori we were learning about the Maori numbers. We learnt that kore means zero, mano means thousands, rau means hundreds, te kau means tens and ma means ones. We had turns of asking our partners in maori what a number is and they had to write the numbers on a table in English.
Kiwi Can | Fun Day
LI: To have fun and recap what we did for the year.
This week for kiwi can we had the last session of the year. We started with recaping our themes we had for the year. We had: Integrity, Respect, Positive Attitude & Resilience. After that we started the activites. The games we played was: Musical Cones, Colour Coordinates, Hot Potato, Bitty Bitty Bob. I liked all of these games and enjoyed the last session of kiwi can for 2019.
This week for kiwi can we had the last session of the year. We started with recaping our themes we had for the year. We had: Integrity, Respect, Positive Attitude & Resilience. After that we started the activites. The games we played was: Musical Cones, Colour Coordinates, Hot Potato, Bitty Bitty Bob. I liked all of these games and enjoyed the last session of kiwi can for 2019.
Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Fractions Of Sets | Maths
LI: To make examples of fractions of sets.
This week for maths we were learning how to use fractions of sets. To find the unit fraction of a set, divide the set by the number of groups. We wrote two examples of halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths each. Examples:
Halves: Set size- 12. Fraction: Halves. 12 ÷ 2 = 6. One half of 12 is 6.
Thirds: Set size- 9. Fraction: Thirds. 9 ÷ 3 = 3. One third of 9 is 3.
Quarters: Set size- 8. Fraction: Quarters. 8 ÷ 4 = 2. One quarter of 8 is 2.
Fifths: Set size- 25. Fraction: Fifths. 25 ÷ 5 = 5. One fifth of 25 is 5.
Tenths: Set size- 100. Fraction: Tenths. 100 ÷ 10 = 10. One tenth of 100 is 10.
This week for maths we were learning how to use fractions of sets. To find the unit fraction of a set, divide the set by the number of groups. We wrote two examples of halves, thirds, quarters, fifths and tenths each. Examples:
Halves: Set size- 12. Fraction: Halves. 12 ÷ 2 = 6. One half of 12 is 6.
Thirds: Set size- 9. Fraction: Thirds. 9 ÷ 3 = 3. One third of 9 is 3.
Quarters: Set size- 8. Fraction: Quarters. 8 ÷ 4 = 2. One quarter of 8 is 2.
Fifths: Set size- 25. Fraction: Fifths. 25 ÷ 5 = 5. One fifth of 25 is 5.
Tenths: Set size- 100. Fraction: Tenths. 100 ÷ 10 = 10. One tenth of 100 is 10.
Friday, 6 December 2019
Lorde | Teaser Week | SLJ
LI: To complete teaser task to practise for the SLJ.
Today we were practising for the SLJ. We had completed a teaser activity from the summer learning journey. We had to find some facts about her and create a poster about Lorde. Our theme this year until January is 'Changemakers'. Did you know that Lorde's father is a civil engineer.
SSR Selfie
LI: To summarise and retell a text.
For ssr selfie I read a book called the 'Human Body'. It was about how the human body works. The most interesting fact I learnt was that a human egg inside the skin is 0.13mm. I like the book because it has a lot of interesting facts about the human body.
Thursday, 5 December 2019
LI: To make a smart comment.
Today I decided to make a positive comment on Fau's blogpost about cybersmart. Fau made a movie with Sulia about how to find legall images. There are three ways that are called: 'The slow way, The medium way and The super super fast way'. In the movie they showed how to do it. I liked her movie but if they had more volume then it would be perfect.
Fau's blogpost:
Basic Facts Boxes
This week for basic facts boxes I did the speed demon challenge up to 10. The time I got was 3 minutes and 7 seconds. Basic facts boxes is when you time yourself and answer one hundred basic facts questions on addition. When you are done with the basic facts questions then you stop the stopwatch and that is your time. I think I could beat the time I got today.
Writing | Narrative | The Cure
LI: To start our narratives and make a hook.
This week for writing we were writing our hooks for our narratives. We could start with an onomatopoeia or we could start with the end of the story. I chose to start from the solution and then I would jump back into the beginning of the story. An onomatopoeia is a sound word like: "BOOM". In the hook I introduced the settings which is was the future city of L.A and Area 51.
Cybersmart | Legal Images | Illegal Images
LI: To make a DLO to explain how to find a legal image.
This week for cybersmart we were continuing on the smart & legal images. We had to make a DLO to explain how to find a legal image. We also had to work in partners. My partner was Bella. Bella and I chose one out of the three ways to find a legal image. We explained the steps of how to do it and explained what legal and illegal images were. We also did a quiz at the end.
Kiwi Sport | Tennis | Singles
LI: To take all the tennis skills we have learnt and play singles with it.
This week for kiwi sport we were practising how to play singles. Singles is when you compete against someone else. To be the champion you have to get the current champion out once. We all had a turn and I was champion for a short period of time. We had to remember the forehand and backhand. At the end the three champions and one other person had to compete eachother. The winner of the year 5's was Spelman.


This week for kiwi sport we were practising how to play singles. Singles is when you compete against someone else. To be the champion you have to get the current champion out once. We all had a turn and I was champion for a short period of time. We had to remember the forehand and backhand. At the end the three champions and one other person had to compete eachother. The winner of the year 5's was Spelman.


Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Kiwi Can | Respecting Others Differences
LI: To respect other peoples differences, desires and needs.
This week for kiwi can we were learning how to respect other peoples differences, desires and needs. We first did a recap on last weeks session. We played an energizer which was called 'Mirror, Mirror'.
To play the game we had to get into two lines and face each other. The people we were facing were our partner. One line was the mirror and one line was the person looking in the 'mirror'. The person that was looking in the mirror could do any action and the 'mirror' had to copy them. We had two turns of being the mirror and two turns of being the person doing the actions. After that we talked a bit more about the desires and needs.
We talked to the person next to us about a desire and what a desire meant. A desire is when you have a stong feeling of wanting to do something. My desire was to finish my work and be successfull in life. That is a high desire. After that we went on with our activity.
Our activity was called 'Elimination'. To play the game we had to get into five groups of four. In my group there was: Bella, Shinaye & Jaylee. The first person in the line had to get a ball, pass it to the second person in the line and pass it back. After the last person in the line got the ball they had to go to the semi circle and try to shoot the ball into the hoop.
I enjoyed this weeks session.
This week for kiwi can we were learning how to respect other peoples differences, desires and needs. We first did a recap on last weeks session. We played an energizer which was called 'Mirror, Mirror'.
To play the game we had to get into two lines and face each other. The people we were facing were our partner. One line was the mirror and one line was the person looking in the 'mirror'. The person that was looking in the mirror could do any action and the 'mirror' had to copy them. We had two turns of being the mirror and two turns of being the person doing the actions. After that we talked a bit more about the desires and needs.
We talked to the person next to us about a desire and what a desire meant. A desire is when you have a stong feeling of wanting to do something. My desire was to finish my work and be successfull in life. That is a high desire. After that we went on with our activity.
Our activity was called 'Elimination'. To play the game we had to get into five groups of four. In my group there was: Bella, Shinaye & Jaylee. The first person in the line had to get a ball, pass it to the second person in the line and pass it back. After the last person in the line got the ball they had to go to the semi circle and try to shoot the ball into the hoop.
I enjoyed this weeks session.
Maori | Week Days
LI: To understand and translate more about the Maori language.
This week for Maori we were learning about how to say the days of the week in Maori. We worked individually for this activity and we had to answer the bottom questions. The columns that are in Maori were scattered around the columns and we had to try and match it with the English days. To check if we were right we had to check it with the Maori dictionary and Whaea Odie.
Tuesday, 3 December 2019
Roald Dahl | The Twits | Describing Mr. Twit
LI: To novel study and complete comprehension tasks.
This week for reading we had to finish our books and complete all of the comprehension tasks. This comprehension task is to find ten words to describe Mr. Twit, after that we had to find another ten words and find the definition of five words. I chose to do the meaning of Revolting, Lousy, Unambitious, Reckless and Prejudiced.
Maori | Karaka
LI: To understand and translate more about the Maori language.
This week for Maori we were learning how to tell the time in maori and we were also learning about the words for the location of something. Runga means on top, roto means inside, muri means behind, waenganui means in between, raro means bottom, waho means outside and mua means front. We had to make examples of the words using an image.
Maths | Fractions
LI: To learn how to find the unit fraction of a set.
This week for maths we were learning how to find the unit fraction of a set. To find the unit fraction of a set you must divide the set by the number of groups. We also made our big planes. We first started by picking our designs. My design was called 'The Edge'. I finished folding my plane.
Fraction meaning - A fraction is a whole object that is divided into equal pieces.
Fraction of a set meaning - A fraction of a set is a whole set of objects divided into equal sized groups of objects.
This week for maths we were learning how to find the unit fraction of a set. To find the unit fraction of a set you must divide the set by the number of groups. We also made our big planes. We first started by picking our designs. My design was called 'The Edge'. I finished folding my plane.
Fraction meaning - A fraction is a whole object that is divided into equal pieces.
Fraction of a set meaning - A fraction of a set is a whole set of objects divided into equal sized groups of objects.
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