Wednesday 1 January 2020

Week 3 | Day 3 | Activity 2: Printing Prosthetics (Four Points) | Summer Learning Journey

One thing I learnt: I learnt that the prosthetic hands are entirely body driven, it doesn't have any motors, batteries or sensors. This makes it light for the kids to have on their hand. 

One thing that suprised me: I got shocked when I learnt that these prosthetic hands are made under $100 and sold for free, considering that some other people pay so much money to get a prosthetic hand. 

This week for the second activity of day 3 week 3 we were asked to write about one thing that suprised us and one thing that we learnt after watching a video about Jake Evill who has created many prosthetic hands from a 3D printer. He gets other volunteers to help him make the prosthetics and sells them for free! The prosthetic hand work just like a normal hand. I enjoyed this activity.


  1. Hi Farzana! This is a really good blog posts, and I enjoyed reading what you wrote for your answers. It's amazing they are making these prosthetic hands for free, helping and saving these kids in need! What do you think it's like for the volunteers who make the prosthetic for the children? Well done, keep it up!

  2. Ahiahi Mārie Farzana,

    Ka pai for sharing the information about what you learned and what surprised you from watching the video about 3-D printers in relation to printing prosthetics. I watched the video earlier this week and I learned so many new things, I was shocked that 3-D printers could make artificial hearts that is so advanced.

    Thank you for also sharing some information about Jake Evill. I really like how you share some facts you have gathered about the activities when you respond every time, it helps to understand what you’re blogging about each day.

    Did you know very much about 3-D printing or prosthetics before you did this activity today?

    Ngā Mihi,
    Kueni :)

  3. Hi Farzana!
    This activity you did was great, Great job for staying active with the Summer Learning Journey! What was the hardest part of this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence

  4. Hi Farzana,
    I liked how you said that you were surprised by the cost for making the prosthetic limbs, and the fact that they're giving them away for free. If you needed one, would you want to have a 3D printed prosthetic?


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