Wednesday 25 November 2020

Matilda | Sequence Events

Matilda is a book written by Roald Dahl. It is about a little girl who is very smart. She discovers what her power is and uses that to her advantage. Her parent's neglect her and are not there for her.

Miss Honey talks to Matilda about her story and how she became a teacher. When Miss Honey was a little girl, her father and mother died leaving her to be alone with her aunt. Her aunt was a horrible person. After Miss Honey told her story, Matilda found out that Miss Honey's aunt was Miss Trunchbull.

After Miss Honey talked to Matilda, Matilda promised that she would not talk about her story. Matilda asked Miss Honey for the names of Miss Honey's dad, Miss Trunchbull's first name and what they would call Miss Honey for no apparent reason. Miss Honey suspected of suspicious behavior and told Matilda to not do anything silly.

When Matilda arrived home, she practised her power for hours. She used her dad's cigarette and used telekinesis to control the cigarette. Matilda would practise this every day after she came from school. Her dad was still at his job, her mother was still playing bingo and Micheal could be anywhere.

Matilda is a very entertaining and interesting book. It is appropriate for all ages and is a great book.

LI: To study a novel.

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