Friday 13 November 2020

Athletics Day

I took part in Athletics Day. Athletics day is a day were we apply our skills of running, jumping and throwing to have fun. We have different activities based on our year group. The rotations last 8 minutes.

Our first two activities were: Rob the Nest & Long Jump. In Rob the Next, we needed to get as much tennis balls as we could, in our hoop. The person with the bib was the defender and had to tag people. The people that got tagged were stuck and they couldn't move unless their teammate tagged them. In Long Jump, we needed to get a cone and jump on the grass. If we beat someone else's score, we mark how long we jump.

The next two activities were: Sponge Relay and Shotput. For the Sponge Relay, we needed to get into the bags, jump to the sponges, get a sponge, go underneath the tarpaulin and jump over the stick to get to the water bucket. After reaching the water bucket, we dipped the sponge into the water bucket then did the relay again. In the shotput activity, we needed to try and push the shotput as far as we could.

After that, we had Discus/Hula Hoops and Lifesaver. The objective of the Discus/Hula Hoop activity was to get as many points by throwing the hula hoop in the one point cone, five point cricket wicket or the ten point pole. The objective of the Lifesaver activity was to get the bean bag faster than the other people.

Next, we had Rest/Dance and Egg & Spoon. In Rest/Dance we could rest or dance to the music. The purpose of the Egg & Spoon challenge was to do a parkour while balancing an egg on a spoon.

The last two activities were: Frisbee & Lilly Pad Gladiator. In the Frisbee activity, we needed to throw the frisbees into the net to get one point. The Lilly Pad Gladiator is an activity that had an objective to hop on the lilly pads and play rock paper scissors to get to the last lilly pad.

I enjoyed the day, but felt really tired at the end of it. My favourite activity was the Sponge Relay because I got wet and it made me cool down. My least favourite activity was the discus one because I don't enjoy discus and I am bad at it.

LI: To apply our skill of physical education to run, jump and throw.

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