Thursday, 14 November 2019

Kiwi Sport | Tennis

LI: To learn how to serve in tennis.

This week for kiwi sport we were learning how to serve the tennis ball. We started with a recap of what we did last week for kiwi sport. Then we did rally's as the warm up.

For the rally we got partners and started on it. To do a rally we had to hit the ball to our partners and you can't let the ball hit the ground. I used the fronthand and backhand technique to help me keep the ball up. Coach Steven added a challenge in it. The challenge was to try and hit the cone that was on the floor. We then practised our serving.

To serve we learnt that we should always serve the ball diagonally. If you are right handed then with your left hand put the ball under your left ear and with the right hand rest the tennis racket on your shoulder. Then proceed to throw the ball up and hit the ball with the racket. It has to be an over-arm hit.

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