Friday, 22 November 2019

Coffee Shop | Supply & Demand

LI: to balance supply and demand for a profit.

This week for inquiry we were learning how to balance out the supply and demand for financial value. To do this we played the Coffee Shop game.

To play the coffee shop game you had to start with $30. The goal of the game is to get as much money as you can in two weeks (14 days). First you need to buy the ingredients. The ingredients are: Cups, Coffee, Milk & Sugar. You can also adjust the price. At the top right hand corner there is a temperature scale that tells you the temperature of the current day and what time it is. Once you have bought the ingredients to your liking you can start the day. There are many different types of icons that will pop up above the customers head that have different meanings. If you hover over the icons they will tell the meaning. After one day all of your milk will spoil and it will show your reputation at the end of the day. After one day you will repeat the process except you will only need to purchase the ingredients and adjust your price depending on the weather. Then you can start your day and repeat the process. We had to make a slide with screenshots of each day with the results of the day.

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