Wednesday 12 September 2018

Kiwi Can

Today LS1 group A went to room seven to take part in the Kiwi Can session for this week. We had a new topic for this week and next week which is 'Perserverance'. It means to keep going, never give up, and also to be patient about something. We had a talk if we get fustrated and get angry about something.

We then went on to our energizer which was called 'Add master'. It is like the game Master but you have to use your hands. Mr. Matt picked someone to start first. Then Vayan started to go around the circle to challenge people. You can put up how much fingers you want to add up. After doing that you can try to add up the fingers faster than the other opponent. If you get the answer faster than your opponent you go to the next person. The goal for this energizer was to not get fustrated at the game. We then finished up the game and then went to our activity.

Our activity was called 'Card tower'. We got into groups of four and then had to make a tower. The main goal of this activity was to not get angry or fustrated if the tower falls down. In our group there was- Kaitlyn, Fau, Charlize, Lila, and Bella. We got fustrated but at the end we were able to get a tower. We compared our towers but two groups didn't manage to get a tower because there one fell. Our group was the winning group! We were all happy because we won even though we fustrated a lot. I learnt to never give up if you fustrate a lot.

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