Wednesday 19 September 2018

Defensive Structures | NZ Defensive force

Yesterday we had a special visitor from the NZ Defence Force. His name is Mr. Chang but asked us to call him by his first name Isaac. He came to talk to us about defensive structures or layers to defend something. He also talked about explosives. 

The layers that Isaac shared to us. The first layer is: camouflage. You have to be able to make your structure or person hidden and blended in with the environment so the enemies don't see that person or structure. The second layer is: Shape and materials. The shape of a defensive structure is important because if your structure was straight like a wall, the structure will collapse. However, if you had a angle or a curve to your structure the thing aiming to your structure it might bounce of it, you also might want to make an angle or curve all over your structure. The third layer is: Active defence.

The next thing Isaac talked to us about was explosives like: Land mines, dynamite (TNT), dumb bombs, smart bombs, and ect. We learnt lots about explosives and how far a bomb can go. The differences between dumb bombs and smart bombs are: that dumb bombs are smaller, smart bombs include more technology inside it, smart bombs are launches, and dumb bombs are dropped. 

We then had a challenge between five other groups of five. We had to build a protocted base and put a helicopter inside to test if it will be protocted enough. We only could use tape, paper, and straws. We listened carefully to the layers. One of then were 'shape'. So we made a cylinder and connected two straws together and taped it inside the cylinder. The goal was to keep it still and to not fall. Our structure happend to stay to its place. 

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