Thursday, 9 May 2019

Kiwi Sport | Gymnastics

LI: To explore our gymnastics skills.

Today was our first session of kiwi sport. We were doing gymnastics. Our coaches name was Steven. In our warm up we did stretches.

These are the stretches:

1. L Shape - For the L Shape you have to make a 90 degree angle on the floor as far as you can.

2. Back, Front, Side Support - For the back/front support you have to have your hands on the floor at all times, but for the side support you have to keep one of your hands on the floor straight and the other hand on your body.

3. Butterfly wing stretch - For the butterfly wing strech you have to put your feet together, your knees facing out, your hands on your feet and your leg flapping.

4. Tuck - For the tuck you have to put each hand on one leg, you then have to tuck your head between your legs and towards your chest.

5. Seal - For the Seal you have get into the plank position, then move your hand straight up and then lean back as far as you can.


For our activity there were three stations and we had a turn on each station. The three stations were:

1. Support station.

2. Balance station - In the balance station we have to explore our balance by doing cartwheels, bunny hops, jumping on beams, walking on beams.

3. Roll/Balance station.

Out of the three stations I liked the balancing station better that any other station as I think my balancing is good. I enjoyed our first session with Stevan.

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