Thursday 17 September 2020

Narrative | The Gruffalo

A rewrite of a narrative gets ideas from the story and changes them to make a new story that flows with the storyline of the original story.

Thinking of the story, and the guiding questions people come up with new ideas to change the story. The guiding questions were: where would they live?, where would they meet the mouse?, what would the Gruffalo's favourite food be including them?

The fox was changed into a coyote because they are similar. The underground house was changed to rocky house because coyotes make their dens in rocky crevices. Instead of roasted fox, the Gruffalo's favourite food is coyote macoroni because it rhymes with 'coyote'. 

Rewriting a narrative can help with coming up with new creative ideas that can flow with the story.

LI: To rewrite a narrative.

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