Monday 14 September 2020

Making Connections

Connections allow people to connect with theirselves, another text and the world. There are three kinds of connections. Text to text, text to self, text to world. 

Text to text, means to make a connection with another book. To make a text to text connection, the reader gets ideas from another book and compares that idea to the book. An example is: The mouse is a convincing liar and the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood convinces Red Riding Hood.

Text to self, means to make a connection with yourself. To make a text to self connection, the reader gets ideas from the text and compares the ideas with themselves. An example is: The snake is Gullible, I am gullible.

Text to word, means to make a connection with the world. To make a text to world connection, the reader gets ideas from the text and compared the ideas with the world. An example is: the mouse is cocky, people are cocky.

Making connections can help people link ideas with other ideas and lets people build an understanding of a text.

LI-To identify and describe connections.

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