Thursday, 21 March 2019

Cricket Interschools | Sports

On Wednesday a group of kids from our school went to Collin Maiden Park to participate in the Cricket interschools. Our team was year 5-8 girls. We first challenged against Stonefields 1. They were good at Cricket but we won against them.

Our second game we played against Tamaki Primary year 7-8 girls. They were also good. We won against Tamaki Primary only just. They had 23 points and we had 24 points. 

Our third game we played against Stonefields We got 44 points and they got 17 points leading us to win. Our fourth game was against Stan Hopes. They were very good but we also won. We then played againts Point England. They were magnificent. Unfortunately we lost. They had 57 and we had negative 10. 

At the end of our games we were happy that we won four of our games and only lost 1. I think that we showed sportsmanship and worked as a team in order to win.

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