Friday 11 June 2021

Science Exploration Topic 3 (Tech)

LI: to test how long it can take for sugar to dissolve in hot or cold water.

This week for our technology session, we looked at the amount of time it takes for sugar to dissolve in different tempatures of water. Our first experiment required cold water. We measured 100 ml of cold water into the beaker then looked at the tempature of the water which was 20°C. After this, we weighed 10 grams of sugar. To do this, we needed to place some sugar onto the Petri dish and transport that onto our weighing scale. We then poured our exact measurement of sugar into the cold water and mixed while looking at the amount of time it takes to dissolve with a stopwatch. It took the sugar 59.66 seconds for it to dissolve into the water making a solution. We did the same thing all over again but with hot water. The tempature was 75°C and the time it took to dissolve was 17.10 seconds. 

I enjoyed this activity very much because I am familiar with measuring water and weighing different types of materials/things. I learned that a solution is when a solid is mixed in with a liquid. I really enjoyed the part where we needed to measure 10 grams of sugar.

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