Friday 25 June 2021

Science | Dissecting Hibiscus

LI: to learn about the different parts of a hibiscus flower.

Today, the year 7's went to tech to dissect a hibiscus flower. Our first task was based around our prior knowledge of the flowers. We answered two questions like: "What are your thoughts about flowers?" and "What have you noticed about flowers?". We did not have that much knowlegde about flowers. 

After this, we identified the parts of a hibiscus as our second task. On the right side, there is a stigma, style, anther, pollen tube, sepal and thalamus. On the left side, there was the male gametophyte, petal, ovule and female gametophyte. 

The next task was to dissect the flower. We used tools like: knife, cutting board and toothpick, We carefully removes one petal and one sepal. After this, we pinched the sides of the ovary and made a smooth cut down the middle. Then we removed the entire organ of from the style. 

While dissecting the flower, we saw the pollens. We placed one or two pollens to see them under a microscope.

I learned the many parts of a flower. I found it interesting that female and male cells are shared throughout a single flower. 

1 comment:

  1. Well done Farzana!! Happy to see you are enjoying science and learning new things. Keep it up


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