Tuesday 20 October 2020

Matilda | Novel Study

Matilda is a book about a girl who's parents aren't the best. Her parent's don't like books and watch the T.V all day. She hasn't yet discovered that she is special.

Matilda's parents are mean and don't like how Matilda reads books. Whenever Mr Wormwood sees Matilda reading a book, he gets infuriated. Mr Wormwood rips the pages out of Matilda's books that she borrows from the library.

Matilda tricked her parents into thinking there was a ghost intruder in the house. She made a deal with her friend around the corner to borrow his parrot. She came up with an idea to get bck at her parents. She would get the parrot and the parrot has a human-like voice, so whenever the parrot would talk, it would seem as if there is someone in the house. Matilda put the parrot in the chimney where it wasn't visible and she waited. The family got scared and thought someone was intruding. 

Matilda is a book, that is suitable for kids and adults. It is also very interesting and funny.

LI: To study a novel.

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