Wednesday 8 August 2018

Kiwi Can | Goal Setting | Resilience

Today we went to room seven to for kiwi can. We lined up at 9:45 and then walked to room seven. When we got there we had to get into three lines. We recaped what we did last week. Last week for Kiwi Can we focused on why goal setting is important. Our theme is 'resilience', and our topic is 'goal setting'. We learnt that when you try to reach your goals you can learn from your mistakes. There is also people or things that stop you from reaching your goal.

When we finished talking about our theme and topic, We played our energizer called 'snatch'. There was a rope that formed a circle and we weren't allowed to go inside. There was cones inside the circle. Miss Lily put music and then we had to walk clockwise and dance. When Miss Lily stopped the music we had to run inside the circle then get a cone. Our goal for this energizer was to get a cone.

When we finished the energizer, we then talked more about our topic and theme. Resilience means when you bounce back and never give up. Showing resilience when your old is very good because you can teach kids and also people older than you to never give up and be a role model.

After that we played our activity called 'Octopus'. There was a girl side and a boy side, so it was girls vs boys. Mr. Latu was the octopus first, he put a hula hoop in the middle of the classroom. Mr. Latu went in the hula hoop with two pool noodles. Once he got inside the hula hoop he couldn't step out. He Mr. Latu's goal was to get us out, but our goal was to reach the other side of the classroom without getting touched by the octopus. 

Then we all sat down again to end the session. We had to do our catchphrase for this week. Our catchphrase is "Kiwi can says, never give up, acheive you goal, make a plan, because you can!". Then we went into our point system. Last week we got 24/25 points. This week our goal was to get 25 points. Unfortunately we got 22/25 points. But we did get 22 which is still good.

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