Thursday 28 May 2020

Dotted Art | Aboriginal Art

Aboriginal art comes from Australia. The majority of the aboriginal art told a story with the different symbols and people call these 'dreamtime stories'. Dreamtime refers to the Aboriginals belief of how the land and their people were created. How the kangaroo got its pouch is a dreamtime story and uses the aboriginal symbols to tell the story of how the kangaroo got its pouch.

We practised the symbols but we used dots instead of lines to make the art. Some of the symbols were: footprints, stars, resting place, travelling sign, waterholes and etc. After we practised the symbols we made our good copy and told a story that we experienced.

The story I tried to tell was how I went to the zoo. I saw kangaroos, emus and turtles at the zoo. I added a water flow with a waterhole as representation of drinking water and the sandhill as representation of the turtle climbing it up. The middle symbol represents where the people sit to look at the animals.

I enjoyed this activity and learned many new things about the Aboriginals and dreamtime stories. 

LI: To create art that tells a story with traditional methods.

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