Wednesday, 11 September 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To deal with challenges.

We need to practise dealing with challenges to deal with them easily in the future. LS1 group A went to the kiwi can session. We first did a recap on what our topic and theme was. Our theme was: Resilience and our topic was: Dealing with challenges.

Then we did our energizer which was called 'Balloon Pop'. To play balloon pop we had to think of a food starting with the first letter of our name and we had to throw a ball up in the air and say: (example): 'Penelope likes pear' then someone had to catch the ball and repeat the process but with their name.

For our activity we played 'Bus Stop'. For the activity we had to explain the challenges in the pictures. We had to write down what we thought was the challenge based on the picture and how they might feel.

Our catchphrase was: "Kiwi Can says, when there's a challenge, don't go over it, don't go under it, just go through it and just do it.

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