Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To develop self control and self discipline.

LS1 group A went to kiwi can for our fifth session. We started with recaping our theme and topic. Our theme is resilience and our topic is self control and self discipline. Resilience means coping with challenges, bouncing back and never giving up. 

After the energizer we did our acivity which was called: "Coping Challenges". The first challenge was exercising. For the exercise we had to do five push ups, five squats, five burpees and five pull ups. My group got through one round out of five in a minute because we were learning how to do the proper way of the exercises. Our objective was to do complete the challenges in one minute. Our second challenge was to match the Maori words with the English words for the colours. My group only got five of the words correct. The third challenge was to write the alphabet backwards starting with the letter Z. We got up to M. The last/fourth challenge was to make new actions for the catchphrase. Our catchphrase is: "Kiwi Can says, Control yourself, Don't shout, Kiwi can, Over and out". For the first challenge I copped with the challenge by calming our self down. For the second challenge I copped by trying to remember the Maori colours song. The next challenge I copped by saying the alphabet forwards and then stopping where we were up to. For the last challenge I copped with it by breathing in and out.

I think that the Maori colours was hard because I don't know a lot of Maori colours. I also think that the alphabet challenge was hard because I am more used to the alphabet forwards not backwards. I enjoyed this kiwi can session. 

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