LI: To learn how to be safe in water and save people.
The year fives went to the YMCA Lagoon to take part in the fifth water safety lesson. We started off with doing our back floats and recaping what we did last week. Our main learning was the how to rescue someone and calling for help.
For calling 'help' we had to float on our backs while holding on to a floating board and shouting 'Help' as loud as we could with an arm up. After that we partnered up with someone in the group and learnt how to rescue with a pool noodle.
We had to hold on one end of the pool noodle and lie on our stomach. Then our partner had to shout 'Help' and we had to give them the pool noodle. They had to come up towards us with the pool noodle. We then took turns on each role. It is never good to jump in the water because they might panic and hold on to you causing you to drown with them.
The last thing that we did was the rotations. We had to go through the a hoop, when our foot went through the hoop we had to rotate to our backs and take a breath and rotate again and continue our streamline. I enjoyed this weeks swimming lesson.