Friday, 30 August 2019

SSR Selfie

LI: To summarise and retell a text.

I read a book called 'Captain Underpants and the big, bad battle of the bionic booger boy'.  It was a really interesting and funny book. I think that I will read it again. It is about a gaint booger boy that is evil. Captain underpants defeats the booger boy. I enjoyed reading this book.

Thursday, 29 August 2019


LI: To give feedback to a person.

I commented on Sasuke's blogpost on Area and Perimiter. He didn't have enough information in his blogpost there fore I didn't know what he was doing, what he learnt and what tools he used. I asked him if he enjoyed the making of the DLO. I enjoyed giving feedback to Sasuke.

Basic Facts Boxes

LI: To remember basic maths facts.

I did the basic facts boxes speed demon challenge up to 10. The time I got was three minutes and seven seconds. I think I did good but I do need some more good effort and I think that is going to help a lot. Next time I do basic facts boxes I am going to try do some times tables.

Netball Interschools

On Wednesday 28th 2019 a group of kids went to the Auckland Netball center to take part in the netball cluster day. The year fives played Point England School first. We played our hardest but unfortunetly lost against Point England 0-7. Next we played Sylvia Park school. We tried our best but lost 2-3. After Sylvia Park we versed Panama Road. We put a lot of team effort and tied against Panama Road. Then we versed Stonefields. We worked as a team to get the ball to our shooting circle and won our game. Overall we won two games, lost two games, and drew one game. I enjoyed being apart of the cluster day and representing Panmure Bridge School.

Netball video -

Reading | Fitness & Sport

Flipgrid -

LI: To seperate a fact from an opinion.

For reading we had to do activities based on an article. We first had to fill in the prior knowledge oval from the synthesis DLO. Then we had to read an article that Mr. Ogilvie picked out for each group. Next we had to put in the questions on the questioning DLO then answer all of the questions. After that we had to fill in the other ovals and film a flipgrid on whether you agree or disagree with the article.

Proportion Word Problems | WIP

LI: To solve proportions.

A proportion is the amount of two ratios or fractions that are equivalent by. Mr. Wong's maths groups were learning about how to solve proportions problems. We had to choose a commision to complete by the end of the 2nd of september. My DLO is a work in progress. I chose to complete the proportion word problem commision.

Pulley | Simple Machine

LI: To learn what a pulley is.

A pulley is used for pulling heavy loads with the use of a rope and a wheel. It has a grooved rim around it. If we add more loops around it we divide the weight between the rope making it easier to finish the job. We had to list some things using a pulley. Our group had remembered the objects with a pulley from school trips.

Kiwisport | Swimming

LI: To learn about water safety.

The year fives went to swimming at the YMCA lagoon. We first did the streamline with the floating board. We had to have long legs under the water. Then we did the rotations. We had to start of with the streamline then rotate on our backs. We had to get from one platform to the other. After the rotations we swamm on our backs with and without a floating board. We had to place the floating board on out thighs with a straight body. We played shark attack. When Lizzy said "Shark Attack Two". We had to get into groups of two. The person that is not in a group of two is eaten by the shark.

Advertising | Writing

LI: To learn about persuasive tools in advertising.

Companies advertise so people all over the world can get persuaded to buy their products or buy their services. Mr. Ogilvie's writing groups did a slide based on advertisements. We first had to put the meanings of the key vocabulary words. Then we had to answer all of the questions on each advertisement. There were six advertisements. We had to one of the highlighted advertisements in our group first then each of the groups presented it to Mr. Ogilvie's writing groups. Then we had to answer the other questions for the advertisements. There were two extra advertisements.

Thursday, 22 August 2019

Commenting | Feedback

LI: To give feedback to other people. 

I commented on Chris's blogpost about cybersmart and gave him feedback on hid blogpost. His blogpost was good but an addition of what he liked about the activity would be better. I liked how he added the definitions of the print design rules which are: Colour, Text, Composition & Layout. Colour is the colour combination to make the DLO look more appealing. Text is using the right fonts and sizes to make the text easy to read. Composition is the balance of the text and images. The last area is layout and it is aligning and arranging the places of the content of the DLO.

SSR Selfie

LI: To summarise and retell a text.

I did SSR Selfie and the book I read was 'The building blocks of Light'. It was about what light is, how rainbows are made and many more things to do with light. I enjoyed reading this book and learnt a lot of new words and new things about light.

Basic Fact Boxes

LI: To remember basic maths facts.

I did the basic facts boxes speed demon challenge up to 10. The time I got was three minutes and seven seconds. I think I did good but I do need some more good effort and I think that is going to help a lot. Next time I do basic facts boxes I am going to try do some times tables.

Swimming | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn how to be safe in water and save people.

The year fives went to the YMCA Lagoon to take part in the fifth water safety lesson. We started off with doing our back floats and recaping what we did last week. Our main learning was the how to rescue someone and calling for help.

For calling 'help' we had to float on our backs while holding on to a floating board and shouting 'Help' as loud as we could with an arm up. After that we partnered up with someone in the group and learnt how to rescue with a pool noodle.

We had to hold on one end of the pool noodle and lie on our stomach. Then our partner had to shout 'Help' and we had to give them the pool noodle. They had to come up towards us with the pool noodle. We then took turns on each role. It is never good to jump in the water because they might panic and hold on to you causing you to drown with them.

The last thing that we did was the rotations. We had to go through the a hoop, when our foot went through the hoop we had to rotate to our backs and take a breath and rotate again and continue our streamline. I enjoyed this weeks swimming lesson.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Proportion Problems

LI: To understand a range of proportions.

This week for maths we were learning about proportions. We had to complete a task based on proportions. I worked with Te Raumati on this task. We made a quiz that had 14 questions. The meaning of 'proportion' is the amount of two ratios or fractions are equivalent by and 'in proportion' means when two ratios or fractions are equivalent to each other.

The quiz is a work in progress - Proportion Problems

Kiwi Can

LI: To develop self control and self discipline.

LS1 group A went to kiwi can for our fifth session. We started with recaping our theme and topic. Our theme is resilience and our topic is self control and self discipline. Resilience means coping with challenges, bouncing back and never giving up. 

After the energizer we did our acivity which was called: "Coping Challenges". The first challenge was exercising. For the exercise we had to do five push ups, five squats, five burpees and five pull ups. My group got through one round out of five in a minute because we were learning how to do the proper way of the exercises. Our objective was to do complete the challenges in one minute. Our second challenge was to match the Maori words with the English words for the colours. My group only got five of the words correct. The third challenge was to write the alphabet backwards starting with the letter Z. We got up to M. The last/fourth challenge was to make new actions for the catchphrase. Our catchphrase is: "Kiwi Can says, Control yourself, Don't shout, Kiwi can, Over and out". For the first challenge I copped with the challenge by calming our self down. For the second challenge I copped by trying to remember the Maori colours song. The next challenge I copped by saying the alphabet forwards and then stopping where we were up to. For the last challenge I copped with it by breathing in and out.

I think that the Maori colours was hard because I don't know a lot of Maori colours. I also think that the alphabet challenge was hard because I am more used to the alphabet forwards not backwards. I enjoyed this kiwi can session. 

Fix the Poster | Cybersmart | Print Design Rules

LI: To apply the print design rules to fix a poster.

For cybersmart we had to fix four posters and every poster has a bad area of the print design rules. We did colour first. The colour was clashing and the colours also didn't match so it hurt my eyes. Next we had to fix the text. The text had different fonts and it didn't look pleasing. After that we had to fix the layout. The layout of the third poster was not good because the images went out of the margin, the text was overlapping the text boxes and the images were not aligned. For the last poster we had to fix the composition. The compisition wasn't balanced. There was one photo and pieces of information. I added more photos, there was too much white space and there was no title.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Incline Plane | Simple Machine

LI: To learn about what an incline plane is.

This week for inquiry we had to experiment with toy cars and learn what an incline plane is. An incline plane is a simple machine that has an angle to the horitontal. We had to make a photo of an everyday object that uses a incline plane. Our group chose a truck because a truck has an incline plane at the back of it to take the load out or in.

Speech Finals

LI: To choose a favourite speech or poem finalists.

Today Panmure Bridge School held a speech competition. Mr. Stevenson from Tamaki College came to our school to judge the people who made it to the speech finals. For the people who did poems I think that Micaela did best for the poems because she was loud and clear. Especially for a five year old. For the year fours to year sixes I think that Fau did the best because she had confidence for the whole time she was up and she also gave a lot of eye contact. For the year eights I think Mele did the best because she had the confidence to speak another language and she gave me something to think about at the end.

Monday, 19 August 2019

Ihumatao | Reading

LI: To identify the main ideas in a text.

For the last slide deck of the Ihumatao presentation we had to write a quick persuasive text and add reasons why you go with that side of the protest. I am going against Fletchers because the land is a historical place. If Fletchers build houses on the land it could erase all the memories of New Zealand. Yes building houses for the homeless is a good thing but if the houses cost money how are the homeless people going to buy houses? After all they probably don't have a job to get money. 

Friday, 16 August 2019


LI: To give feedback to someone.

Today I commented on Chisa's blogpost about writing. I think she needs to add information because she doesn't have a blurb. I enjoyed commenting on Chisa's blogpost.

Basic Facts Boxes

LI: To learn basic maths facts.

Today I decided to do basic facts boxes. The time I got was 3 minutes and 12 seconds. I think I could do better next time. I enjoyed doing basic fact boxes.

SSR Selfie

LI: To summarise and retell a text.

I read a book about gravity. It had information about gravity like the friction, inertia, mass, measuring gravity, black holes and what gravity is. I enjoyed reading this book.

Persuasive speech | Writing

LI: To create a persuasive speech.

This week Mr. Ogilvie's writing groups had finished their persuasive speech and presented their arguments to the class. Mr. Ogilvie was rating our speeches out of 5. We had to continue the sentences and say what we think we did good, what we need to work on and what we used to persuade. Overall I got a mark of 37 out of 50. I was nervous but I think I did good.

Ihumatao | Reading

LI: To identify the main ideas in a text.

The Ihumatao protest is about a building company that wants to build houses on a sacret land that Maori ancestors once owned. The Maori people didn't let the company build houses on the land and that is what started the protest. We had to go on different sites to see what the writer's perspective is and then write what we thought about the writer's perspective.

Wheels & Axels | Lever


LI: To build an understanding of what a wheel and axel is.

A wheel is a circular object that makes another object move and change direction. An axel is a mechanical object that holds the wheels in form. We made a slide presentation in pairs and my partner was Sulia. To do this we had to experience with a car which has both wheels and axels. We also had to push the car on its side for every surface. We had to push the car we had on different surfaces with the same amount of force to see the difference. Mr. Ogilvie had set up three ramps for us to try it with our car. The car went pretty fast on its wheels when we put it on the ramp and then when it came to the ground it went a long distance. When we put the car on its side the car did go fast when it was on the ramp but didn't go that far when it got to the ground. When we push the car on the floor the wheels reduce the friction there fore it goes smoothly, but when the car was on the ramp there was gravitational pull to the car so, it went fast.

LI: To build an understanding of what a lever is.

A lever is a long rigid body with falcrum along its length and it also rests on a pivot. We did an activity in our pairs from the wheel and axel but we also had to partner up with another pair. In our group there was: Fau, Charlize, Sulia & I. We first made a lever out of a long stick. Our objective was to make an object go up on the lever. We lifted a teddy bear with the stick. When we made the pushing point away from the teddy bear we had to use our full strength, but when we put the pushing point even we didn't have to put much force on the lever. After the first acivity we had to fill in the questions on a DLO. We also had to

Thursday, 15 August 2019


LI: To identify and simplify ratios.

A ratio is a comparision of the amount of two things or more. Mr. Wongs maths group were learning what ratios were. You can identify a ratio by it having a colon which represents the word to or a fraction. We also learnt how to simplify ratios. For example: If I have 8 : 8, they are both the same number so we just say 1 : 1 because to get eight you just have to multiply by 1. So, any ratio that has the same amount or number you can just simplify it. We had to make a DLO based on the tutorial we had of ratios. Spelman and I worked together to complete this slide presentation of eight questions based on ratio word problems. I enjoyed making the ratio word problems slide.

Swimming | Kiwisport

LI: To learn swimming techniques and water safety.

The year fives of LS1 went to the YMCA lagoon to learn new abilities. We started of with the safe entry. We then practised the streamline from one platform to the other. After that we floated on our backs with floating boards. We had to keep our body and arms straight and had to keep the board on our knees. We also had to remember to keep our body above water. Next we were kicking on our backs. For our last skill we were learning how to rotate with our floating boards. We had to do the streamline then after we ran out of breath we had to rotate and put the floating baord on our knees when we float on our backs. Livvy added an extra activity at the end. For this activity we had to get toys from the bottom of the pool. I enjoyed todays swimming session.

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To identify what self control and self discipline is.

LS1 group A went to kiwi can. Our theme is: Resilience. Our topic is: Self control & self discipline. We started our session with what self control and self disciplne is. Self control is controling your emotions & self discipline is controling what you do to be honest or preventing yourself from doing things that are bad for you because sometimes it is hard to control yourself. We then went into our energizer.

Our energizer was called 'Rats and Rabbits'. We had to partner up with someone, face eachother and then place a cone in between eachother. When Mr. Lati called out Rats we both had to try and get it, but if the Rabbit gets it then the Rat losses and if the Rat gets it before the Rabbit the Rat wins. After that we talked more about self control. We then went into our activity.

Our activity was called 'Role plays'. We got a card that said what we had to act out. Our card was a scenario of a teacher who went out of the class and put a student in charge. The classmates had to show self control and self discipline.

Cybersmart | Print Design Rules

LI: To identify the four areas of print design.

We had to complete an activity on the print design rules. We had to catagorise the slides into the four areas of the print design rules which are: Composition, Layout, Colour & Text. There were two emojis of the thumbs up and thumbs down. We had to delete the one that is wrong and leave the one that is right.

Friday, 9 August 2019

Rube Goldberg | Human Rube Goldberg

LI: To learn about the man behind the machines.

We were learning about Rube Goldberg. He was the man who created machines to complete simple tasks in overly complicated ways. He was best known for his cartoons. Rube created a Self-Operating Napkin, the Rube Goldberg Machine and many other machines. We had to include the 5 W's and the H. There was six people in my group which were: Sulia, Bella, Sione T, Mote, John and I.

LI: To complete a task in an overly complicated way.

On Thursday our group joined with another group to make a human machine to open the door. We had to get from one side of the of the room to the other room. Once the time was up we had to show what we came up with in front of the classroom. Then we did our idea a second time but with blindfolds on. We are doing this activity at the end of the term but with objects and not people.

The Lion King Show | Roleplay

Mr. Ogilvie's reading groups went to the Ormiston Junior College to watch a Lion King show performance. This was leading to our plays from term two week 1-4. My favorite parts was when Rafiki was singing and the beginning of the show. The costumes and masks were really well thought in. My favorite characters were: Rafiki, Mufasa & Scar. Mufasa was played by a boy named: Justin, Rafiki was played by a girl named: Tanya and Scar was played by another girl named: Varshi. Thank you Ryan (the director) and Luke (the principle) for this opportunity to attend this show.

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Swimming | Kiwisport

LI: To learn swimming abilities.

Group A went to the YMCA lagoon to take part in our third session of swimming. We went inside the water with our safe entry and then started the session. We first did the starfish but with our faces down in the water. After that we floated with the help of pool noodles. Next we floated on our backs with the pool noodles we had to push our stomach up to keep above the water. Then we practised the sculling with hands. We had to move our hands and forearms and make an infinity sign, after practising the sculling we went on our backs then moved along the water while sculling. Finally we did the pencil dive on a deeper part of the lane. We had to put our hands at the side of our body, take a pig step towards the water and then fall into the water. I enjoyed this weeks session for swimming.

Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Kiwi Can

LI: To understand emotions.

Our theme for kiwi can is Resilience and our topic is understanding emotions. Resilience means coping with challenges and bouncing back. Our energizer was called: 'Emotion Entensity'. Ms. Mack gave us cards saying an emotion on it, we had to put the card in a group then sort it out on the lowest to highest entinsity level. We then talked about understanding emotions. After that we got into our activity which was called: 'Emotion Roleplays'. For this activity we got a card saying what our roleplay was then we had to perform our roleplays in front of the class. I enjoyed this weeks session for kiwi can.

Tuesday, 6 August 2019

Ihumatao | Reading

LI: to identify the main ideas in a text. 
This week we had finished four more slides as a group on the Ihumatao event. We had read articles and watched videos to find out the information about when it happened. We had listed them in chronological order of the timeline. We found the information from Otago Daily Times and a videos from 1 News. We also added the recent news about the Ihumatao.

Friday, 2 August 2019

SSR Selfie

LI: To summarise and retell a text.

I read a book called: 'A book is a book'. It is about what a book is and ect. It is a funny and humorous text. I enjoyed reading A book is a book.

Speech Planning | Writing

LI: To create a persuasive speech.

We were planning our speeches for week five. We first had to pick our topic that we are going to talk about. I chose racism and how you shouldn't make friends because of how they look. If we don't stop racism soon our world can become chaotic and full of racist people. We had to put in something related to what you have experienced. 

Thursday, 1 August 2019

Maths | Fractions of Sets | WIP

LI: To learn how to do fractions of sets.

Mr. Wongs maths groups were learning about fractions of sets. Here is an example of an equation: What is 1/4 of 8? To figure this equation out you can look at the denominator for the fraction then separate that number you have into that many parts then count how many you have in one of the groups. So in this case I need to find out what 8 divided by 4 is. You have eight then you share out the numbers until all of them are even. My answer is 2. To make this easier you can just go 4 x 8 and then you have your answer which is two. I enjoyed learning how to do fractions of sets.

Ihumatao | Reading

LI: To learn about what happend in Ihumatao.

We were learning about the Ihumatao protest and how Fletchers want to build over 400 houses on a spiritual land. We had to fill in defintions, locations, distance & what happend on the slides. What happend was that Fletchers wanted to build houses on a land were Maori people cherished as their ancestors land, because of this they created SOUL which sands for: Save, Our, Unique, Land. SOUL is currently protesting against Fletchers in Mangorei. 

Kiwisport | Swimming

LI: To learn how to have good swimming abilities.

The year fives went to the YMCA Swimming lagoon and was learning how to get better swimming abilities. We went with our group that we were put in last week. In Livvy's group we were learning how to float on our backs without a board, kicking with arms forwards on the board & moving underwater. I enjoyed this session on swimming.