Thursday, 28 February 2019

Kiwi Sport | Ki O Rahi

LI: To learn how to play the taniwha role.

This week for Ki O Rahi we were learning how to play the taniwha role. We had three challenges to do. The first challenge was to have everyone throw the Ki to the Tupu and score a goal in 1 minute. Our score was 19. Our second challenge was to get the everyone in the team to hit the Tupu. If we hit the Tupu we had to sit in Te Ao. Our time was 1 minute & 58 seconds. Our third challenge was to hit the Tupu with the Ki while the Kaitiaki was guarding the Tupu. We scored 2 points. I enjoyed our lesson although we didn't get the best scores.

Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Infographic | Reading

LI: To learn how to make an infographic.

This week we had to make a Infographic showing why we read, what reading is, what reader we are and how we read. An Infographic is a chart with small amount of writing and with a sillhouette showing what it is doing.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Commenting | Ki O Rahi

LI: To give feedback to a person in your class.

Today I decided to comment on Charlize's blogpost about Ki O Rahi which was our kiwi sport. She explained what the different parts of Ki O Rahi there was and also transalated it. I enjoyed reading her blogpost about Ki O Rahi.

Here is the link to Charlizes blogpost:
Ki O Rahi

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Inquiry | Types of Touch | Safety

LI: To give some safety rules for digital technology.

This week for inquiry we were learning about types of touch and safety. We first talked about safe things to do when you feel different emotions.

We then finished up a slide that was talking about types of touch which was: Touch that you like, Touch that you hate, and Touch that confuses you. After finishing that, we did the saftey cards were we had to rate the situations.

We had to that by rating from 1-5. 1 = The most safe & 5 = The most dangerous. 2 = mostly safe but can be a little dangerous, 3 = safe and not safe, & 4 = mostly dangerous but can be safe by a pinch. I had fun during the learning.

Here is the link to my groups safety cards:
Safety Cards

Tasman Fire Areas | Fire Rating

LI: To apply different reading strategies to understand.

This week for reading we had to create 2 DLO's (Digital Learning Object) for this weeks blogpost. We did this as a group.

The first thing we had to do was finish the reading fire slide. After doing that we had to make the two DLO's.

We made the poster first. We had to talk about the fire hazard in parks to say wether you can do a barbecue. We also had say where the fires took place in.

We then had to make the second DLO which was the Google Map. The map was explaining where the fires were, the places evacuated, places ready to evacuate, the fire rating, and the barbecue ratings.

Maths | Number 60 | Brainstorm

LI: To think flexibly about numbers.

This week for maths we had to get into a group of three, and think of a number between 0-100. Our groups number was 60. We had to relate to this number we picked. We first had to write our information on a piece of paper using a brain storm. After we were finished writing it down on paper we had to make a goggle doc. On our goggle doc we had to write down the information we had on our paper. And put our data on to our poster we made by using the print design rules. And sharing our work to the class. We had a part we each said.


LI: To learn how to play a note and chord in one song.

This week for music we played songs with the Keyboard and the Xylophone. We played the lazy song, shot gun, and one call away.

One Call Away

 C    G    Am                      F     C  G                          C    G        Am         F    G    C
I'm only one call away I'll be there to save the day, superman got nothing on me, i'm only one call away.

 CCCC                          AAAA      FFFF                    GGGG
I've been riding shotgun underneath the hot sun, feeling like someone oooo 2x

  C           G             F                        C         G          F                C                 G          
Today I don't feel like doing anything, I just wanna lay in my bed, don't feel like picking up my phone,

  F            C          G        F                C               G               F 
 so leave a message at the tone, cause today I swear I'm not doing anything.

Ki O Rahi | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn the areas of the field in Ki o Rahi.

Today in Ki O Rahi we were learning the parts of the playing field in Ki O Rahi. There was Te Ao which was the world. The Pou which means the poles in Maori. There was the Te Roto which meant the lake/moat. The Paweru which is the island. The last one is the Tupu which is the rock. I enjoyed the game.

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Kiwi Can | Active Listening

LI: To learn how to use active listening.

This week for kiwi can we were learning about active listening. Our energizer was called 'Remote Control'. Mr. Alu'pati told us the different actions to do. We then talked about our theme and topic. After that we played our activity. It was called 'Chop Suey Salute'. We then had our game of GKQ (General Knowledge Questions).

Friday, 15 February 2019

Secure Password

LI: To make a poster on how to create a secure password.

Today we had to make a poster about Strong Passwords. The longer the password is the stronger it will be. My password includes Symbols, Numbers, and Letters. In your password it can't

 be about your personal information.Your password needs to be hard so nobody can guess it. I enjoyed making a secure password for myself.

Music | Notes & Chords

LI: To learn the notes and chords A, C, F, & G.

Yesterday for music we went to learn the chords and notes of a song called 'One Call Away'. We played on the Xylophone and Keyboard. The notes we were learning was A, C, F & G.  I really enjoyed playing the Xylophone. It was really fun.

Change of my life | Holiday Recount

LI: To plan and write a recount. 

This week for writing we had to write about one topic that we did in the holidays. We first had to get all of our ideas out on a piece of paper and then choose one topic to focus on writing about. We had to have TREE (Title, Reveal, Events, & Ending) in the piece of writing.  I wrote about going camping over the holidays with my entire family. I enjoyed writing about my holidays.

Graphs | Hand drawn & Digital

LI: To display data on a graph.

This week for maths we had to create six graphs as a group. We made two hand drawn graphs and four digital graphs to make six graphs in total. The first graph was done by everyone in our group digitally. Chisa and I made the hand drawn graphs, and the rest of the group made the digital graphs. We had to make statements for each graph to finish it. I enjoyed the activity.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Kiwi Can | Positive Relationships

LI: To have a positive relationship towards people.

Today was the first session of the year for kiwi can. When we went inside the class we saw a new kiwi can teacher. His name was Mr. Alupati, he introduced himself to the class. We still had Ms. Paige as an kiwi can teacher. We first went over the kiwi can rules and expectations. Which were:

  • No talking while the teacher is talking.
  • Listening to the teacher.
  • Being on your best behavior.
  • Treat people the way you wanted to be treated

We first played midnight tunnels. To play midnight tunnels you partner up with two people to make a group of 3. I was with Bella and Peyton. We labeled ourselves a number. I was number 1 and when Ms. Paige called out a number that person that is that number had to run around the circle, into the tunnel and into the circle. We then played Jockeys up.

To play jockeys up we had to pair up with another person. I paired up with Jay-lee. A person in your pair had to go in the front and the other person had to go at the back. I was at the back first. When Ms. Paige or Mr. Alupati called out "Jockeys Up" the person at the back had to run around the circle and hop onto their partners back or place their hand on their partners back. It was a fun game.

At the end we played GKQ (General Knowledge Questions). It was a very fun activity. I enjoyed the session.

Kiwi Sport | The legend of Rahi and Te Ara | Kia Rahi

LI: To learn the basic skills of a Maori game.

Today LS1 went to have their first kiwi sport session with Coach Shanice, We were learning to play a game called Kia Rahi. The game was invented to create peace and harmony. We first watched a video explaining the background of the legend of Rahi and Te Ara.

The video was about a man named Rahi and one day his wife Te Ara got kidnapped. Rahi went looking for Te Ara, when he set of the kidnappers blocked the way to the forest. Rahi made a kite and flew over the wall. After that he got stopped by a Taniwha and the Taniwha wanted to stop Rahi from finding his wife. The Taniwha shot seven teeth but three stars appeared in the sky. It was Rahi's father coming to protect him. Rahi made it safely back to his village, but however he was angry that he didn't find his wife Te Ara. Rahi went with his villagers to find Te Ara. Finally they found Te Ara. We then went outside and played Taniwha and Kioma.

We split up to two groups boys and girls. When Coach Shanice shout out our groups name we had to run and the other team had to try and tag anyone in the other group. It was like cats and rabbits. After we finished playing that we played eight passes.

To play eight passes we had to pass the ball to your team eight times. At the end we lost the game bit it was still a really fun game. We then played sports mashup.

To play sports mashup we had to get into two groups and stand on the line. Coach Shanice shout out a sport and we had to playthat sport. She also had to call out the number of people to play that game. The sports that Coach Shanice shouted was: Touch, Netball, Basketball, Eight passes, and Soccer.

It was a really fun game at the end and I enjoyed it very well.