Thursday, 27 February 2020

Rippa Rugby | Kiwi Sport

LI: To learn the basics of rippa rugby.

This week for kiwi sport we were learning how to throw and catch a rugby ball. In rippa rugby we were looking at getting better at ripping rippas, throwing a rugby ball and catching a rugby ball. Our coach was Andrew & Justice.

Rippa rugby is a sport were we put two tags on our waists and the other team has to try and rip the rippas from the opponents. If you do that then the person who got tagged has to pass the rugby ball to another person from their team. If your team gets tagged 5 times or the chosen number then it is a hand over and you have to give the ball to the other team.

First we were getting warmed up. The warm-up activity was that we got showed the directions to; North, South, West & East. Whenever one of our coaches said a direction we had to get to that side in five seconds. E.g: "South", we had to get to the south as fast as we can.

After that warm-up we played Rats & Rabbits. Rats & Rabbits is a game were we pick a partner and we have to line up facing our partners and if Justice or Andrew shouts out an animal (e.g; "Rabbits!") the chosen animal had to run the opposite way they were facing and the other animal had to try and rip their partners rippa off.

Next we were practising throwing and catching. We lined up behind four cones and the first group had the ball. The person in the front of the groups had to run and pass the ball backwards to the first person in the group on the right. We had to catch by joining our hands to look like a 'W'.

After that we played a real game of rippa rugby. There was a green team and a red team, I was in the red team. We had to tap and pass. Our team got two tries in the beginning. On the last try it was unspecified if it was a try or rip. The other team also got two tries.

I enjoyed this weeks session on Rippa Rugby. I personally think that I could improve on throwing and catching.

Quick Write | Can-Do

LI: To write a narrative on a chosen implication.

Today I completed a can-do which is 'Quick Write'. Quick Write is a can-do that helps us write narratives better. We can only write one page or less meaning we cannot go over one page. Our implication was that: Chris from LS2 created a shrink ray to shrink Mr Ogilvie and Mr Wong as payback for calling him short in LS1. I enjoyed writing a narrative about this topic and I thought it was quite funny.

We looked at the structure of a narrative which is; T.O.P.E.S (Title, Orientation, Problem, Events & Solution). We also looked at what is expected in each section of the structure. In the orientation we needed to have the: Who, When, Where & Hook. In the problem we needed: An unfortunate event. In the events we needed: Three thing that lead to the solution. In the solution we needed: the problem getting resolved and a new normal.

Commenting | Feedback

LI: To give positive feedback to people's blog posts.

Today I decided to comment on my brother, Mahdi's blog post about reading. I enjoyed reading his blog post and watching his video that he made with Oscar. I think that it was great that Mahdi defined the word 'Idiom' because some people don't know the definition of idiom. Mahdi also wrote some parts of his blurb in present tense which is incorrect because he already finished the activity.

Here's the link to Mahdi's blog post -

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

SSR Selfie | Albert Einstein

LI: To summarise and retell a text.

Today I decided to finish the SSR Selfie can do. I read a book about Albert Einstein. The book was really interesting and I learnt a lot of facts about Albert Einstein. One thing that I learnt was that Albert Einstein explained that tiny particles of matter could be converted into huge proportions of energy. I really enjoyed this activity.

Basic Facts Boxes | Addition

LI: To learn basic maths facts.

Today I decided to practise my basic maths facts. I timed myself and I managed to finish the whole sheet in 2 minutes and 25 seconds. I personally think I could do better next time. Next time I practise my basic facts I will go on to the second basic facts because I was on the first one. This activity was easy. I enjoyed this activity and hope I could do better.

Tuesday, 25 February 2020

Descriptive Writing

LI: To describe using interesting language features.

The intention of this activity is to practising using descriptive language. The comments section is used to describe any of the gathered photos. There is a list of language features to help create descriptions. The objective of the "Descriptive Writing" activity is to help improve descriptive language.

Maths | 3D Shapes

LI: To create an illusion of making 3D shapes in a room.

This week, we were discussing the area of 3D shapes. On a google drawing we made an illusion of 3D shapes inside a room. The flooring had to be straight otherwise it would look weird. The shapes we put weren't allowed to overlap so we put them on a vertical axis. I enjoyed this activity.

Idioms | Reading

LI: To explain an idiom.

This week for reading we were explaining an idiom. An idiom is a phrase that means something different to what it usually means. We split up into two groups from our usual group. I was working with Bella and Chisa.

We had to pick an idiom, my group picked the: 'Bull in a China shop' idiom. 'Bull in a China shop' means: to be very clumsy. After we picked an idiom we wrote a script and made a video to explain what the idiom we chose meant visually.

Check out both of our groups videos on our DLO. I enjoyed this activity and would do it again.

William Shakespeare | Reading

LI: To learn about something new.

Today for this activity, we were finding out facts about a chosen topic. We were split into groups of 2-3 and had to choose a topic to find facts about. My group and I chose William Shakespeare, his category is within 'Important Historical People'.

William Shakespeare is an interesting English poet, he has a total of 38 plays, 2 poet narratives and 154 sonnets. Check out our DLO to find out some more information about William Shakespeare. I enjoyed this activity.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Commenting | Smart Comments

LI: To give people feedback on their work.

Today I decided to comment on Chisa's blog post on her self portrait. I really liked her self portrait and it does look similar to her in real life. I think she did really well besides the mistake in her blurb. Instead of 'put' she put 'putted. Besides that I think she did really well. I enjoyed commenting on Chisa's blog post.

Kiwi Can | Positive Relationships

LI: To give things a go.

This week for kiwi can our topic was giving things a go. Giving things a go means building up the confidence to try something new and learning from it. In our school values; CARE stands for Confidence, Attitude, Respect & Excellence & Innovation. This session was based on Confidence.

We first did an energizer. For our energizer we played a game where it encourages us to give that game a go to see if we like it. After that we played our activity were we also built up the confidence to participate.

I enjoyed learning about giving things a go because participating in new things will give you the experience and you might even enjoy it.

Thursday, 20 February 2020

Where in the World? | Geography

LI: To build geographical knowledge.

This week for reading we were building our geographical knowledge. We did this by looking at a photo that was located somewhere in the world. In groups we had to find out where a giant carrot was. The giant carrot is a statue located in Ohakune, New Zealand. We had to answer questions and add in photos. I enjoyed this activity. A new thing I learnt was that there was a giant carrot located in New Zealand.

Digital Art | House

LI: To create a geometric piece of art using only shapes.

Today I was finishing my digital geometric house. We had to make this house using only the shapes provided in google drawings. We got a picture reference to help us. I used many shapes like - Trapeziums, Triangles, Circles, Ovals, Cloud Shapes, Squares, Rectangles & Ect.

First we had to make the sky as it is the furthest back and we had to draw the stuff on the picture from farthest to closest. At first I was trying to get the main things done like the - House itself, sky and grass. After making the main things I then went into detail. The details I made were the - Clouds, Pebbled Pathway & The Dirt Wall with the stones in it.

At the end I think I did good. I also do think that I can improve on my art skills and make it look better by potentially adding more detail to the art.

I got an Excellence & Innovation badge for my work.

Maths | Puzzle | Problem Solving


LI: To create a puzzle using symbols.

This week for maths we were making a puzzle. First we did an activity were we had to solve a different puzzle in groups. After we solved it we had to find out the meaning behind the puzzle. It took our group a long time to figure what the puzzle indicates/means. The puzzle is indicating a 100's number chart. The top row symbols are single digits except for the last one which is a number 10. In groups we picked which symbols we would do. My group picked vehicles. After we had finished our puzzle we had to scramble them around the google drawing.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Print Design Rules | Art

LI: To build an understanding in all the rules and areas of Print Design.

Today we were looking at the areas of the print design rules. There are four areas: Composition, Layout, Colour & Text.
Definition of each area:
Composition - The balance of the texts and images.
Layout - Organising the text content to make the content easy to understand and read.
Colour - Using colours that are legible to make the DLO appealing.
Text - The pick of text, colour, fonts that make the piece of writing appealing.

We did an activity were we had to note the differences between the four photos on one area. There are two sections which are the good and bad. The bad version is a poster that has somethings wrong with it, depending on what the area of the print design is. My group had finished noting most of the problems in the document.

After that first activity we were thinking of two rules of each area in the print design in our groups. We then had to share our ideas with the class. Together we picked the two most important rules and now have to follow them. My group came up with:
- Make sure that the photos you put in the DLO relate to the text/topic.
- Ensure that there is an even amount of images to go with the text.
- Make sure you have taken up most of the space.
- Have a margin and the things you add onto your DLO is aligned.
- Make sure your choice of colours go together.
- Have legible colours for your text.
- Make sure the text is aligned with each other.
- Stick with the same kind of font, text & colour.

At the end our class picked: Composition: Have a balance of pictures and sentences, use images that relate to the text. Layout: Have margins and align the text and images, use most of the space. Colour: Don't use clashing colour (use a harmonic colour scheme), use contrasting backgrounds and foreground colours. Text: Keep consistent fonts and sizes, make sure the text is legible.

Friday, 14 February 2020

Positive Relationships | Kiwi Can

LI: To make positive relationships.

This week for kiwi can we were learning about positive relationships. Today was the first session of Kiwi Can. Positive Relationships is out theme and our topic is 'Fairness & Fair play'.

Energizer; Switch Places
To play switch places we had to make a big circle around Ms. Grace and when someone says "I like... (whatever you like)" and if someone else likes the same thing they have to switch places with someone else. This activity helped encourage fairness and fair play.

After that we had a discussion of our topic (fairness and fair play) and our theme (positive relationships). Positive relationship means; a healthy bond between someone you know. Fairness and fair play means; playing by the rules.

Activity; Pizza Tag
Pizza tag is like the game 'Octopus' except you have to pick four toppings that is common on a pizza. For us we chose: Cheesy Garlic, Hawaiian, Meat Lovers & Pepperoni. I chose to be in the group Cheesy Garlic. Whenever the chef says a topping, e.g: Pepperoni. That team has to run to the other side of the playing field. If you get tagged you are a cook. However, the cook can also move and tag people. This activity was also to help encourage fairness and fair play.

I enjoyed this session of Kiwi Can. My favourite part was the discussion about the topic and theme.

Thursday, 13 February 2020

What Is My Name Worth? | Maths

LI: To find out what number our names are worth.

For this activity we were looking at what our names are worth. We got a chart that had all the letters in alphabetical order with the numbers that they are worth. F was worth 6, A was worth 1, R was worth 9, Z was worth 10, A was worth 1, N was worth 8, and A was worth 1. If I add them all together: 6 + 1 + 9 + 10 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 36. However, I need a single digit number so I add 3 + 6 which is 9. So therefore, my name is worth 9. Each single digit number had an activity that we had to do. If your name is worth: 1 - High Five someone in the room whose name starts with the same letter as your name does, 2 - Do your best twerk for five seconds, 3 - Stand on one leg and write the number '8' in the air with your eyes closed, 4 - Hum a song until someone guesses it, 5 - Pretend to be a chicken with its bottom on fire, 6 - Say the tongue-twister "She sells seashells on the sea shore" 5 times in 20 seconds, 7 - Act like a monkey for 20 seconds, 8 - Pat your head, rub your tummy, wink one eye & stick your tongue out all at the same time, 9 - You have to do the Floss. Since I was a number 9 I had to floss.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

This week we have been learning about the Treaty of Waitangi by accessing different text types and media.

In groups we needed to firstly access the information and gather the main ideas of Who, What, Where, Why and When. We had journal stories, websites, youtube videos and more.

We then had to summarise the information into sentences using key words. Even though we all picked out different words, the main idea of the treaty are the 3 Ps.

The 3 Ps are Protection, Partnership and Participation. This is what the treaty set out to achieve.

We then had to evaluate our new learnings and think of questions that we want to find more information on.

An interesting fact I have learnt was that The Treaty of Waitangi was not signed to have peace between the land but instead to get protection from the british crown. I think that is interesting because people think that the treaty was signed to have peace between Britain and Aotearoa.

Batting & Throwing

LI: To develop fundamental movements in Cricket.

Today we learnt how to bat and throw overarm with Brian from HPCC (Howick Pakuranga Cricket Club). Below I will explain some essentials.

First you want to stand side on to the target. Next you want to plant your front foot facing the direction of the target, and your back foot in a brace position, making an ' L ' looking position. After this you want to point your non-throwing arm at the target hard draw your arm back and throw the ball making sure it finishes pointing at the target also.

First you want to get the bat and hold it in the right position; If you are left handed you need hold the bat with your left hand positioned on top of your right hand. However, if you are right handed you need to do the same except you position your right hand on top of your left hand. Next your feet have to be pointing the same direction you are facing (which is one side depending on your dominant hand and leg). After that you want to swing your arms it gives power and it goes to the direction you were pointing at.

If you have followed these instructions correctly you may get it right, if not you need to give time and patience to correct yourself and you will eventually get it correctly and done.

Maritime Museum | Explorers & Adventures

LI: To study the history of New Zealand maritime explorers.

This week on the 12th of February LS1 went to the Maritime Museum to study the history of explorers of Aotearoa. When we arrived to the museum we met our instructors, Lee and Peter.

One group went to explore the museum and my group stayed in the classroom with Lee to get taught about maritime history. Lee taught us about many famous sailors like: Captain Cook, Sir Peter Blake, Abel Tasman, Kupe & Kuramārōtini.

After an hour the two groups switched. We then explored the museum with our smaller group. After another hour of exploring we got ready to leave the museum.

I enjoyed the trip because I learnt many new things about the maritime history of New Zealand. My favourite part of the trip was exploring the museum. It was a very fun and enjoyable trip.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Self Portrait | Art

LI: To make a digital self portrait.

Today we were finishing our digital self portrait. We chose one out of two ways to make a digital self portrait. We could chose out of: Using simple shapes or advanced shape. I chose to do the simple shapes type. We got a tutorial video from Mr. Wong to help us. We had to start from the furthest back to the furthest frontwards. We could use simple shapes like: triangles, squares, rectangles, circles, ovals, and ect. We could also use two or more different shapes to make another shape. I used a circle and oval to make my face shape. I also used two triangles in an angle to make my upper lip. To make my lower lip I used a trapezoid/trapezium. After I got a basic impersonation of myself I went into detail and made a button and the wrinkles on my skarf. I enjoyed this activity.

About Me 2020

Salaam Alaikum.

My name is Farzana. I am Afghani. I am a year 6 in LS1 at Panmure Bridge School. I enjoy working on digital learning objects on my chromebook at school. At home I enjoy riding my skateboard. My favourite book is Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. My favourite authors are J.K Rowling and Roald Dahl.

Safe Passwords | Cybersmart

LI: To create a safe and secure password.

Today we were learning how to make a safe and secure password. We first looked at what the definition of password meant. A password is a lock or code that you use to keep your account safe and secure. After defining the word 'password', we were looking  at the different ways to make a safe password.

Ways to make a password:
There are two ways of making a safe and secure password. One way is using two completely random words to make a phrase that does not make sense. For example: Skinless Houses.

The second way of making a secure password is by making a 5-8 word sentence and using the first letter of the words to make one combination of letters. For example: I like donuts because they are very yummy. That sentence will turn into: Ildbtavy.

Numbers, Uppercase / Lowercase letters & Symbols:
After that, we replace some letters from the password with numbers, a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters and symbols. We looked at what symbols look similar to letters. E.g: $ > S, @ > a, / > l, ect. After we did that we replaced some letters with symbols. Example: I/dbt@vy.

After replacing letters and changing them to symbols, we changed some lowercase letters into uppercase. Example: I/dbT@vY.

Next we replaced some letters into numbers. There are many letters that look like numbers. E.g: 0 > O, 5 > S, 4 > A, 2 > Z, ect. Now the password has shifted into: I/d6T@vY.