Tuesday 18 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Weird & Wonderful

LI. To solve a maths problem.
Today I completed the 3rd activity for day 2. We had to solve a maths problem. The problem was: You got a cactus plant for your birthday. To keep it alive you will need to give it 3ml of water each day, over a full year how much water will you give to your plant? There are 365 days in a year. 3ml x 365 = One thousand and ninety five. I got to the answer one thousand and ninety five. I really enjoyed this activity.


  1. Hi Farzana

    I am so happy to her that you enjoyed the maths problem. Do you like doing maths at school? I'd love to see how you worked this problem out. Would you be able to share you workings with me so I can see how you solved it? I'm always onthe look out for new strategies to solve tricky maths problems.

    Thanks heaps,

  2. Hello Farzana! It's good that you are enjoying all the Summer Learning Journey activities. This was a very easy to complete but it's great to see that everyone has the same answers. Do you think you would get a cactus? I think it would be too much work for me. Keep it up!

  3. Greetings Farzana,

    What an amazing blog post seen from you. Congratulations for completing this task. Thanks for sharing your learning about your maths solving plant. I got the same answer as you too. Nice formula thinking.


  4. Hi Farzana,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you explained the process for getting the question's answer simply. I also liked how you explained what you needed to do for the activity in detail. Now that you know how much water a cactus takes, would you want to have one?


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