Saturday 22 December 2018

Summer Learning Journey | Towering Timbers

Image result for logging
LI. To explain if you would like logging or not.
Today I completed the first activity for the 5th day for the SLJ. I think that we should not let logging happen to NZ native trees. My fist reason about this is because animals will have trouble without native trees. My second reason for this is because if you cut down trees think about what will happen to trees if this keeps on going around NZ. If they make books and paper out of the trees, people might just throw it away or waste them. If people keep on continuing this one day our trees might be gone, so how are we going to get fresh air?


  1. Hello Farzana! I agree that logging shouldn't be allowed, and I enjoyed reading you're reasons. Trees are an important part of nature and daily life. I appreciate the care for the trees that you showed in this activity. Keep it up!

  2. Hey there Farzana, it's Billy here from the Summer Learning Journey programme.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts on whether or not we should allow logging in New Zealand. It's horrible that people cut down trees and destroy the homes of animals. I would hate it if someone demolished my home. Do you think there is a sustainable way people could continue logging in New Zealand? We could plant more trees than we cut down.

    Thanks, Billy.

  3. Greetings Farzana,

    What an amazing blog post seen from you. The image looks great, but not as great for my statement. I actually agree with your statement, we shouldn't allow any logging in New Zealand right?


  4. Hi Farzana,
    Great job on completing this activity! I liked how you said that if we keep going like this one day there'll be no more trees left in New Zealand. I think that'd only happen if people cleared too much forest and didn't plant more trees. Do you think there should be a fine for cutting down too much forest?


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